Ingrid Betancourt wins "Spanish Nobel"

Ingrid Betancourt wins "Spanish Nobel" Oviedo, Spain  - Former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt, who was held hostage for six years by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
(FARC), was Wednesday awarded the Prince of Asturias Prize, regarded as the Spanish equivalent of the Nobel.

Betancourt, who was rescued in a spectacular operation in July, was granted the award in the category of promoting understanding between peoples.

Having faced her ordeal with "strength, dignity and courage," Betancourt "personifies all those who have been deprived of freedom for the defence of human rights and the fight against terrorist violence, corruption and drug trafficking," the jury said.

Awarded annually in eight categories, the Prince of Asturias Prize is worth 50,000 euros (70,800 dollars). It is traditionally presented in October by Crown Prince Felipe, who carries the title of Prince of Asturias, in Oviedo, capital of the northern region of Asturias. (dpa)
