Musharraf’s last ditch effort may be to remain a “figurehead” President sans powers

London, Aug 16: A close aide of Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has said that one of the options available with him (Musharraf) was to strip down to a level of “figurehead President” without any powers, in order to avoid the Impeachment process expected to be initiated by the coalition government on Monday.

Tariq Azeem, a Musharraf loyalist, reportedly said that the President''s possible resignation with legal protections was an option, “as was the idea of stripping down the presidency to a figurehead role”.

However, PPP Co-chairman Asif Zardari rejected the proposal saying that Musharraf should resign or face impeachment.

“Well-wishers are trying to ensure that matters are settled amicably through discussions rather than going through a long, protracted impeachment process,” The Telegraph quoted Azeem as saying.

Asked if Musharraf had decided to resign, he replied: "There are people who are advising him to avoid confrontation, but I don''t think he has made up his mind."

Meanwhile, in what appeared to be in the final phase of brinkmanship before an impeachment process Musharraf''s spokesman Rashid Qureshi dismissed reports of the President’s imminent resignation as “baseless and malicious rumours”. (ANI)
