Study: Broccoli Juice Helps To Fight Bladder Cancer

Study: Broccoli Juice Helps To Fight Bladder Cancer There is a ray of hope for patients who suffer from bladder cancer. It has been found that broccoli juice can help to control and heal bladder cancer. Broccoli belongs to cabbage family and is rich in vitamin C. It has properties that boost the human immune system that fight viruses, bacteria and cancer.

Mr. Wiseman was suffering from bladder cancer, and the doctor who diagnosed him before five years did not expect him to survive. Wiseman used to take a glass of broccoli juice in the morning and the healing power of vegetable worked well for him. His scans indicated that cancer was not spreading in his bladders.

Mr. Wiseman advised all patients to take Broccoli juice with extracts of apple and carrot for taste making. He wife, Joan expressed pleasure on the recovery of her husband. She hoped that their experience can help other patients of cancer also.

 Joan has also been asked to prepare recipe to further study the benefits of vegetable by scientists in Britain. The British scientists at the Institute of Food Research have found the good results of vegetable. They said that the chemical in vegetable might be able to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

A report published in the British Journal of Cancer in 2006 has established that natural chemicals found in certain vegetables, such as broccoli-cauliflower and cabbage are able to reduce the risks of cancer. These chemicals can also be useful in DNA repair in cells. Study has further shown that boiling broccoli can reduce its anti-cancer compounds whereas steaming and microwaving is not effective.
