Jalapeno Pepper Contaminated With Salmonella Bacteria

Jalapeno pepper grown in Mexico and processed in Texas could be the Jalapeno Pepper Contaminated With Salmonella Bacteria possible culprit behind the illness of more than 1,200 people.

Death of two elderly men under unrelated conditions is attributed to Salmonella. Around 229 people were admitted in hospital due to this deadly infection.

Salmonella symptoms appear after 12-72 hours of infection. FDA confirmed the presence of Salmonella saintpaul in the Mexican jalapeno peppers. But the source of contamination is yet to be found.

The officials couldn’t say whether jalapeno was contaminated in Mexico or it got contaminated at processing facility in Texas. FDA has issued warning regarding jalapeno. It has advised its citizens to stop using jalapeno or Serrano peppers in any form. However FDA has lifted ban on eating fresh tomatoes.
 Mexican authorities are investigating the present case of contaminated Mexican jalapeno. FDA officials visited Mexica to trace the origin of the salmonella saintpaul. However Mexican authorities still deny the presence of this deadly bacterium in Mexico.
