Several injured in last Pamplona bull run

Pamplona, Spain - At least half a dozen people were taken to hospital Monday after the last of this year's eight-day bull runs in the northern Spanish city of Pamplona, radio reports said.

The victims were injured while falling and tripping over. There were no reports of injuries from bull horns. Several of the injuries were fairly serious.

In the Saint Fermin bull runs, half a dozen fighting bulls are let loose on the winding streets of the old city centre.

Hundreds of men known as mozos run alongside the bulls, armed with nothing but folded newspapers. The animals make a 825-metre dash for the bullring, where they are killed in an evening bullfight.

Hundreds of people were injured in this year's bull runs. The event is organized annually in honour of San Fermin, the patron saint of the city of 185,000 residents.

The bull runs have claimed 14 lives since 1924. The most recent victim, a 62-year-old Spaniard, was killed in 2003. (dpa)
