“Carrying out suicide attacks won’t kill you, only foreigners”, Pak jihadis tell recruits

Kabul, May 28 : A 14-year-old Pakistan boy caught by Afghan authorities recently has revealed how he was trained at a madarassa in Pakistan, where his trainers told him that he won’t die if he carried out a suicide attack and that only the foreigners will die.

The 14-year-old “suicide bomber” is currently kept in an Afghan intelligence agency’s detention centre, the Daily Times quoted a report in Chicago Tribune as saying.

He revealed that he was driven across the border to Khost, an eastern Afghan city near the border and a US military base. But before Shakir could launch an attack - on March 20, to coincide with the Afghan New Year - the explosives-filled car stalled in a dry riverbed.

Shakirullah, who is from Barwan village in North Waziristan, said he agreed to carry out a suicide attack on foreign troops in Afghanistan. “They said they’re only foreigners. they’ll die, and you won’t’,” the report quoted him as telling the paper.

He said that he did not know how to drive a car or read a book, and that his only schooling was four months in an Islamic madrassa. Shakir said he doesn’t want to attack anyone anymore. “I don’t even know what jihad is,” he said. “I really want to go home.”

The boy said he was recruited in March by two clerics from his madrassa, just after he finished learning to recite the Quran. He added that because the book is in Arabic, he had no idea what any of the words meant, but the clerics told him the next step to becoming a good Muslim was to blow himself up near foreign forces in Afghanistan.

The report quoted Shakir as saying that his clerics had told him that if he was a good Muslim, he would survive the attack. When he came home, he would be well paid and have everything he wanted. “They said it was required because I finished the Quran I didn’t want to go. They didn’t let me talk to my family,” Shakir added.

Shakir said that a medical student from another Afghan city and a cleric showed him several times how to drive a car and took him to sermons for three nights.

Afghan security forces stumbled upon it and arrested Shakir, the cleric and the medical student.

Intelligence sources said they don’t yet know what will happen to Shakir. If he is sent to Pakistan, he could be killed or recruited again, the report said. “Everyone is so sad about this kid,” said one Afghan official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of his job. (ANI)