The top ten sex ‘mishaps’ revealed!

The top ten sex ‘mishaps’ revealed!Melbourne, May 15 : There just isn’t any other way to say it – a sex slip-up just isn’t sexy, and to save you from the bedroom ‘mishaps’, a leading sexologist has come to your rescue.

Sex educator, relationship expert, columnist and founder of Sexuality Source Inc, Dr. Yvonne Kristín Fulbright has identified the top ten sex mistakes women make that ruin their relationships.

The author of several books including, ‘Touch Me There! A Hand Guide to Your Orgasmic Hot Spots’ has created a checklist for women to help them stop falling into the same sexual patterns, reports The Daily Telegraph.

1. Motherhood should not make you celibate.

Fulbright insists on switching on your Marilyn Monroe persona the second you get your lover alone.

2. Be responsive in the sack

Most of us don’t like to have sex with a corpse. Don’t just lie there ... Move! Make noise. Do anything but play dead!

3. Stay feminine.

Strive to stay trim and look your best, and apparently effortlessly at that. While he wants you to be the girl-next-door in so many ways, he also wants to eternally see you as his sex goddess.

4. Don't judge his porn

Unless you’ve been replaced by his passion for pornography, don’t give him a guilt trip for it. Instead of seeing his Playboy or Penthouse as a threat, see it as an enhancement.

5. Talk dirty

The occasional potty mouth can be a passion-inducer. Learn to talk dirty.

6. Own your body.

Big or small, short or tall, what men find a turn-on more than anything is how a woman carries herself — her confidence. This will help you boost your sex comfort and his.

7. Trash-talking other women.

Putting down other women in front of him serves as no more than a sign of insecurity. And that makes you unattractive.

8. Don't assume you'll be monogamous.

You’re not monogamous till you have the talk.

9. Don't ignore his nipples.

While known as a "girl-thing," nipples can be his thing too.

10. Don't use too much teeth.

When it comes to oral fixations, this feast should not involve fangs. Teeth scraping is not allowed. (ANI)
