Suzy Favor Hamilton says she misses getting paid for sex
According to American track and field star Suzy Favor Hamilton, her work as a high-class hooker was better than anything she ever saw at the Olympics. She also said that she misses the time when she was paid for having sex. Hamilton added that she craves for it even today.
Favor Hamilton has revealed a lot in her autobiography Fast Girl — A Life Spent Running from Madness, which will be available at bookstores next week.
She said on her 20th wedding anniversary she went with a wild threesome so as to become an escort within six months. She added that it led to an addiction to risky sex driven by her undiagnosed bipolar disorder.
Favor Hamilton said she accepts it was an extreme step. According to her, “I presented it to (husband Mark) as a fantasy. It would be just one or two times with their top clients. It would be very discreet and low-risk. There was no way I was going to get caught. I know it was crazy”.
The world was shocked after exposure of Favor Hamilton’s double life as an AUD$800 per hour call girl. It also led to headlines like “Ready, Set, Ho”, that in point of fact worked against her achievements as an athlete in the eyes of people.
In 2012, she said that she is responsible for what she did and nobody is there to be blamed. She said everyone commits mistake at some point and she also made a big mistake.