Breaches raise concerns over cloud services

Breaches raise concerns over cloud servicesSeveral security breaches on various companies including DropBox, Amazon and iCloud have renewed concerns over the safety of the cloud based services around the world.

Users are increasingly getting concerned over the security of personal data stored on cloud services. Apple co-founder Steve has added an expert voice to the concerns when he said that he is worried about so much data being stored on the cloud.

Wozniak said, "I really worry about everything going to the cloud. I think it's going to be horrendous. I think there are going to be a lot of horrible problems in the next five years. With the cloud, you don't own anything. You already signed it away."

He said that the users do not own their content as cloud provider make users agree on certain terms of service before they can use the service. He added that the users will have less control over their data when the data is stored on the internet.

Wozniak predicted that moving everything to the cloud based services will result in horrible problems in the next five years.