Google still has some data from its Street View service

Google still has some data from its Street View serviceFrance's data-protection authority, CNIL has revealed on its website that Google still has some of the data that it mistakenly collected through its Street View service.

CNIL has requested Google to provide information gathered through the vans moving on the country's streets. A similar request was also made by UK's watchdog, the Information Commissioner's Office a few days earlier.

Google should have deleted all of the data after a 2011 fine and U. K. Information Commissioner's Office has said that it would response to the company's inaction in deleting the private information of the users. CNIL as well as the ICO have asked the company to retain the information while review is conducted.

Google still has "a small portion of payload data collected" by its Street View cars in the U. K., Peter Fleischer, the company's global privacy counsel, said in its July 27 letter to the ICO. The letter was to seek permission to delete the remaining data. Google has apologized for the error and is now seeking permission to delete the data.

Google's Street View cars had collected data from unrestricted wireless connections including people's private data including usernames and passwords and other data.