Harley India at 70th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
The company may have recently made foray into the Indian shores with its cult motorcycles, the fact of the matter is, and it is geared for a long term journey.
In fact, it is to be mentioned here that the Indian subsidiary made its debut at the 70th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, the world's largest bike rally, recently held from August 9 - 15, 2010, in Sturgis, South Dakota.
At a time when there were thousands of riders from the U. S. and across the globe, it may be noted here that the Harley-Davidson India was represented by Anoop Prakash, Managing Director and Sanjay Tripathi, Director of Marketing.
Anoop Prakash, Managing Director, Harley-Davidson India, who covered over 2500 miles on the 2010 Harley-Davidson Road King said that the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is one of the most celebrated biker events in the world and the company is looking forward to provide such experiences to its India consumer as well in the years to come.
Sanjay Tripathi, Director of Marketing, Harley-Davidson India said that the event was a major milestone for Harley Davidson India and one can surely call it biking at its best, in short.