Apple iPad’s Wi-Fi, a hit

Apple iPad’s Wi-Fi, a hitApple iPad debut has kicked off its ability of wireless connectivity and thus, becoming the second most used non-laptop Wi-Fi device in the States, according to the Boingo wireless stats.

It's been over a week and the iPad has established itself in the US market making a mark in all platforms. It is believed that the Wi-Fi usage rate was checked at all the 58 hotspots across US airports.

The iPhone which is the leader amongst the most connected Wi-Fi devices accounts for 90% of connections other than laptops. And the just-in-vogue iPad has secured its place in being the number two with 5.4% of Wi-Fi connections; more than double that of Android powered devices, which it pushes into third place with 2.5%.

President and CEO of Boingo Wireless, Dave Hagan expresses in awe, "After four days in market, it is already being more widely used than other Wi-Fi enabled mobile devices that have moved millions of units."

However on the flip side it was observed that some of the buyers were facing troubles in connecting to Wi-Fi networks, which according to the trade pundits is an issue concerning to third party Wi-Fi routers which are dual-band capable and may be responsible for the unfortunate event.