Cisco chips in for smart-grid infrastructure and management

Cisco chips in for smart-grid infrastructure and managementAs the networking company rakes in attention with its advent the new juncture smart-grid infrastructure and management the technology experts are seemingly appalled by the move. Cisco has laid hands over smart grid start-up called, Grid Net at an undisclosed amount.

It is believed that the current seekers of the popular Grid Net are some of the well-known tech-biggies such as GE Energy, Intel Capital, Financial Services also many capitalists who wanted to see GridNet associated with them.

Grid Net has an expertise on specialised smart grid products has two of its software platforms which capture the maximum attraction. One serves the purpose of smart meter integration system intended for residential purposes, whereas the other comes in handy for the suppliers and utilities offering them automated integration including the distribution of power supplies, boasting of the cutting edge tools for power demand management.

It is believed to be a suggestive smart move which works perfectly in sync meeting the regulatory and governmental Smart Grid interoperability and cyber security standards.