Obama to defend NASA’s projects

Barack-Obama-NASAIn a statement from the White House, it has been said that President Barack Obama is going to summarize his plans for space exploration, at a conference in Florida on April 15.

In that event, Obama is also expected to take his stands on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) projects and future missions.

Earlier, in an announcement it was said that the authorities were planning to cancel the existing NASA projects. The plans were to take back the astronauts to the moon and deeper into the solar system.

This is being done when the Obama government is under constant attacks from the Opposition. It has been blamed by the Congress for creating a situation of joblessness in the space research market by outsourcing US manned space missions to other private industries.

The Opposition has also strongly criticized the ruling party's proposed bid for the current exploration programs of NASA to separate agencies.

Hence, April 15 conference is going to be an important event for Obama, for he would be defending the future programs of NASA. He also has to clear all the misunderstandings as well.