Siemens sees "possible partner" in Russian nuclear firm

Siemens LogoMoscow - The chief executive of German engineering giant Siemens said Tuesday the company was considering a cooperation with Russia's Atomenergoprom in the civilian nuclear industry after a break-up of its partnership with France's Areva.

Siemens head Peter Loescher told journalists in Moscow the Russian state company was a "possible partner" ahead of regular talks with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on the company's investments in Russia.

Loescher did not say what stake Siemens would have in a joint partnership. Under Russian law, a committee headed by Putin must approve foreign investments in so-called strategic sectors of the Russian economy, including nuclear energy.

Siemens dissolved its cooperation with French nuclear reactors producer Areva last week, announcing it would be seeking a new international partner for nuclear energy ventures.

Siemens, which has a long track record of business in Russia, also declared plans Monday to build its first factory in the country since the fall of the Soviet Union. (dpa)
