Separate Pay Panel For Armed Forces A Farce

Separate Pay Panel For Armed Forces A FarceDefence personnels are not happy with the setting of the separate pay commission by the government and have criticized it adversely.

The separate pay commission for the armed forces shall be the seventh pay commission, which shall be operative after 10 years. This announcement has been opposed by all the defence personnels.

Air Marshal Randhir Singh (retd) said, “Nobody knows what would happen after 10 years. This announcement of the Centre is just eyewash. “

He further said that the government should have implemented the separate pay commission now itself as a review of the present pay commission. This is not the way armed forces should be treated. Soldiers don’t want mercy.

Major General Satbir Singh (retd) has taken up various issues of armed forces with the Government.

Viewing this as a political agenda of the Central Government, in view of the coming parliamentary elections, Brig KK Kahlon said, “It is a political stunt of the government. Politicians have started looking at us as a vote bank.”

Former JAG officer Col SK Aggarwal said that the Government has not given any relief except that their demands have been deferred for another 10 year the decision of the Central Government is not binding on the new government, if the Government really wanted to do something for the forces, it should have reviewed the present recommendations.

Lt Col SS Sohi of Indian ex-services league said, “We are still caught in crossfire as the outcome of this decision would come after 10 years and nobody knows what would be the condition at that time. It has to be time-bound for six months or a year so that it can be beneficial to all in true spirit.”

The defence personnel are also not happy as nothing is being done regarding their demand of one rank one pension (OROP), and a lot of disparity is being generated amongst the personnel.

The Union Government has agreed that in future, pay revision of the armed forces shall be delinked from that of the civilians and a separate Board or Commission shall be set up for the revision of the pay of the armed forces.
