Nexus One witnesses a drop in sales

Nexus OneAs forecasted Nexus one didn't cater to its performance, instead it witnessed a dip of nearly 70 per cent in sales.

According to the reports of ZDNet, it was estimated that the Google's super phone would be a hit and would gather a sale of at least 3.5 million units in 2010. But the phone failed miserably as now it is posed for only a million sales in total.

It is believed that the dismay caused is primarily due to the limited marketing and customer service issues, which cropped up after the phone's release. As per initial reports, Google sold 20,000 units in the first week, and 80,000 in the first month, both annualizing to 1.0 million only.

This is in sync with the decision to include Motorola in the kitty to boost the sales. Meanwhile, it still remains as a question, what Google will offer next to boost the sales.