Netbooks rejected, iPads accepted

Apple-iPadsFindings of a study highlight the soaring number of consumers opting for Apple's iPad over other competitive devices like Netbooks.

A report published in Fortune magazine focused upon two different studies conducted by analysts Morgan Stanley and Alphawise lists out that 44 per cent of US customers would opt for an iPad as a mobile device rather than netbook or notebook.

The desktop market which seemingly is threatened with rise in sales of this touchsceen tablet; saw a shift of 27 percent potential desktop buyers to an iPad.

It was further revealed that 28 per cent of US customers were more likely to purchase an iPad than an Amazon Kindle or other e-book reader.

With no surprise the Apple's own devices are also in threatening situation, the studies have revealed that 40 per cent of future iPad owners going against buying iPod Touch.

The above and all are pretty evident from the stats that Apple has shown, touching a sale of million units in a month. This might be an indication, what lies in future for this tablet device.