NASA looking well beyond earth's orbit in a new art series

In a latest art series, NASA is looking quite beyond the earth’s orbit. Invisible Creature-designed travel posters have taken a futuristic look at the incredible potential of space tourism.

In a statement that went along with the calendar that features these designs, Charles Elachi, director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, said, “Imagination is our window into the future. As you mark the passing of this year with these imaginative destinations, remember that you are the architects of the future. What we make and do will have a profound significance for generations to come”. The designers’ website has made the posters available for sale individually.

There are three designs, including The Grand Tour, Enceladus and Mars. The theme of each poster has been explained by Invisible Creature on their blog.

The Grand Tour describes the NASA's Voyager mission that used a once-every-175-year alignment of the outer planets for solar system’s grand tour. The twin spacecraft disclosed spectacular details regarding Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, and Neptune, using gravity of each planet for sending them on to the next destination.

Enceladus describes the discovery of icy jets of Enceladus and the role they played in creating E-ring of Saturn, which was among the top findings of the Cassini mission to Saturn. Besides, Cassini mission discoveries have revealed strong proof of a global ocean and the initial signs of potential hydrothermal activity further than Earth.

Mars: Mars Exploration Program of NASA has been seeking to understand if the Red Planet was, is, or can be a habitable world or not. Missions, including Mars Exploration Rovers, Mars Pathfinder, Mars Science Laboratory and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, among a number of others have given significant information in understanding of the habitability of the Red Planet.

Actually, the grandfather of the designers worked at NASA as a graphic designer and illustrator for three decades.