Mumbai attacks: India should understand Pak’s role in war on terror, says Musharraf

Mumbai attacks: India should understand Pak’s role in war on terror, says MusharrafLondon, Dec. 6 : Former Pakistan President General (retired) Pervez Musharraf has said that “before accusing Pakistan, India must understand the role of Pakistan in the war against terrorism and must work with it to eliminate the curse of terrorism.”

As far he was concerned, Musharraf said the motto of his life was and will continue to be “Pakistan first”.

In an interview with a private TV channel, Musharraf said everyone must play a role for the progress of Pakistan.

“We have to end terrorism and extremism from its roots, as it is the responsibility of entire world community, region and each of us to tackle. As a nation, we have to think about the progress of Pakistanis and we have to take steps for the social welfare of the masses, progress and development of Pakistan,” the Dawn quoted him, as saying.

“To maintain law and order, ensuring security for the property and lives of masses must be the top priority of the government,” he added.

Musharraf further said he did not own a residence in the United Kingdom or United States and was currently staying with friends. (ANI)
