More families to seek damages from Boeing after Madrid air crash

Madrid - More families of victims of the August 20 air crash in Madrid will seek damages from Boeing, two US law firms announced Monday.

Boeing subsidiary McDonnell Douglas manufactured the Spanair MD-82 jet that crashed off the runway after take-off, killing 154 and injuring 18 people.

The Gallagher Law Firm and Matthews & Associates said they would represent several families affected by the crash. The companies were expected to give more details on Tuesday.

Another US law firm announced last week it was seeking damages on behalf of three families which lost seven members in the accident.

The complaint was filed in the US state of Illinois where Boeing has its headquarters.

The complaint was based on electrical and handbook errors detected in analyses of 15 planes in the MD-80 series that had crashed, said Manuel von Ribbeck of the US firm Ribbeck Law.

Nearly 100 people on Sunday refused to re-board a Spanair MD-80 plane they had been ordered to leave during the repair of what the airline described as a minor technical problem discovered during take-off.

Spanair had to switch planes before the passengers agreed to fly from Bilbao to Budapest, press reports said. (dpa)
