Monsoon rains spread havoc in Uttar Pradesh

Heavy Rain in UPMathura (Uttar Pradesh), Aug 23: Low lying areas, streets and fields in Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura District were inundated due to continuous heavy rain.

Floods have submerged hundreds of villages and authorities said that over 650 villages were cut- off in the state as rivers broke through embankments, affecting the lives of nearly 1.5 million people.

Most rivers were flowing over the danger level. Villagers complained that not only people, even the animals are suffering. With the farms submerged, there is no fodder for the animals.

"The flood water is everywhere. Our animals are dying of hunger, so what do we do. The farm land has also been destroyed, entire jungle area is under water," said Yukkad, a farmer.

Heavy rains have also destroyed paddy and wheat crops, the main source of livelihood in the state.

"Over 10 000 hectares of land is submerged. The farmers are badly affected; farmlands of around 24 villages on the banks of the river have been spoilt. It is not just the rains, it is the floods that have made the situation worse," said Vanshraj Gujjar, the village head.

Uttar Pradesh is one of the most flood-prone regions in the country.

India''s annual monsoon hits in June every year and retreats in September. It is key to irrigating 60 percent of farmland and to driving economic growth in a nation heavily reliant on agriculture.

But it leaves in its wake massive destruction, killing hundreds of people, destroying homes, crops, roads and bridges every year. (ANI)