Mitt Romney Defeats Obama in ESPN’s Annual NCAA Bracket Challenge

Although Mitt Romney might have lost the 2012 Presidential elections to Barack Obama, but he defeated him in ESPN's annual NCAA bracket challenge.

Every year, it is told how to win bracket by betting like a hedge fund manager. And this year's pick came up short, the world's most famous ex-hedge fund manager ended up picking one of the best brackets in the entire country.

After Duke's championship win over Wisconsin, Mitt Romney, who also dabbled in hedge funds while making millions as boss of private equity firm Bain Capital, finished the men's 2015 NCAA Tournament ranked in the 99.9th percentile of ESPN's Tournament Challenge.

Out of total 11.57 million brackets that were submitted, Romney came at 6,326th place, whereas the US president Obama was sitting at 6,996,358 place.

It has been told that Romney's bracket was first shared with The Huffington Post before Duke's victory. The liberal-leaning outlet was so impressed that they even called him ridiculously good.

Romney while campaigning for the White House in 2012 said he didn't have enough time to focus on basketball to properly fill out a bracket. He at that time said that he was not plugged well enough to do that.

The former Massachusetts Governor, who shared his bracket with the Huffington Post on Sunday, got 46 of 63 possible picks correct. Obama on the other hand finished in the 39.5th percentile in the ESPN contest.

After the game, Romney tweeted 'Should have put $10,000 on my bracket'. He wrote this referring to the uproar in 2011 after he challenged Rick Perry to a $10,000 bet on the position of the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act.