“Mission 26” captures space shuttle Endeavor’s spectacular final journey

“Mission 26” captures space shuttle Endeavor’s spectacular final journeyA team of photographers, headed by Matthew Givot, has beautifully captured the spectacular final journey of the Endeavor space shuttle, in a film titled "Mission 26."

The film clearly and meticulously shows the Endeavor's 12-mile final journey through the Los Angeles streets to its retirement abode - the California Science Center - where the space shuttle has been placed permanently for public display.

For filming "Mission 26" and Endeavor's final trek from the Los Angeles International Airport to the city's California Science Center, the photographers stalked the shuttle during its four-day journey, during which it moved steadily through the Los Angeles streets; at a speed of barely 2 miles per hour.

The splendid final ride of the Endeavor -which commenced its operations as NASA's youngest shuttle-fleet spaceship in 1992 - was filmed by the photographers in a series of photographs and videos. The film shows how construction crews helped in the space shuttle's steady movement through the streets, by ensuring that the shuttle did not obstruct or damage any power lines or trees.

With thousands of people coming out to the streets to witness the final journey of Endeavor - which made 25 trips into space; the last mission completed in May last year -, Givot said on the Vimeo page of the "Mission 26" video: "My hope is that this film will show you the amount of dedicated people and teamwork that it took to get the Endeavour to its new home."