Middle-age riders run higher risk of dying if hurt in motorcycle crashes

Middle-age riders run higher risk of dying if hurt in motorcycle crashesU. S. researchers have concluded that many baby boomers keep riding motorcycles as they age but middle-age riders run a higher risk of dying if hurt in motorcycle crashes.

Conventional wisdom suggests most injured motorcyclists are thought of as young adults. However, between 1996 and 2005, the average age of U. S. motorcyclists involved in crashes increased from approximately age 34 to age 39, while the proportion of injured riders age 40 and older increased from 28 percent to almost to 50 percent, Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center have said.

The study further said that those ages 50-59 were the fastest growing group involved with crashes. It also found that the risk of dying was one-and-a-half to two times more likely in riders age 40 and older.

Dr. Mark Gestring, director of the trauma program at the University of Rochester Medical Center, said in a statement, "Treating a 60-year-old who has been in a motorcycle accident is very different from treating a 21-year-old who has been in a similar accident -- 60-year-olds bring a lot more medical baggage with them and impact outcomes. As people start to dust off their motorcycles this spring, older riders should take an extra measure of caution; if an accident happens they'll often pay a higher price than younger riders." (With Inputs from Agencies)