Michael Jackson reaches out-of-court settlement with sheikh

Michael JacksonLondon, Nov 24: King of Pop Michael Jackson has reached an out-of-court settlement with Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa, who was suing him for 4.7million pounds.

The sheikh was suing the 50-year-old singer to get back what he says he spent on the star in a failed recording venture in Bahrain.

Jackson was scheduled to appear in court 73 of the High Court.

However, when the singer was about to board a plane to Heathrow, his lawyers settled out of court.

Lawyers for both the parties were locked in meetings to put the finishing touches to an agreement that allowed the singer to avoid giving evidence in London against the sheikh’s claim.

“He was advised by his legal team to postpone his travels since the parties had concluded a settlement in principle,” the Sun quoted a spokesman for Jackson, as saying. (ANI)
