Margaret Cho brands Miley Cyrus ‘disgrace’ in song for slanting eyes to mock Asians

Miley Cyrus New York, Feb 13 : Korean-American comedian Margaret Cho has rebuked Miley Cyrus by posting a mocking song on her blog titled `Oh Miley', after photos emerged in which the `Hannah Montana' actress can be seen making fun of Asians by slanting her eyes.

Livid over Cyrus' audacity to mock Asians by pulling her eyelids to slant, Margaret has branded her a `disgrace' in her song.

"I am so upset by Miley Cyrus, I think it warrants a song," the New York Daily News quoted Margaret as stating on her blog.

Mragaret writes in her song: "All you have to do is pull at your face; to make your eyelids resemble our race; this kind of joke has no proper place; Miley Cyrus is a disgrace!"

"As if there wasn''t enough to despise. I wasn''t necessarily a fan of her, her dad, or Hannah Montana. I tend to prefer the songs of Rihanna. Why isn''t racism against Asians taboo? Why are we always so racially screwed! This kind of joke has no proper place. Miley Cyrus is a disgrace!"

After getting the flak for her actions, Cyrus has posted a second apology on her fan site.

"I really wanted to stress how sorry I am if the photo of me with my friends offended anyone. I have learned a valuable lesson from this and know that sometimes my actions can be unintentionally hurtful," she stated.

Meanwhile, Margaret is not the only one, who has condemned Cyrus, for a woman named Lucie J. Kim, who claims to represent the L. A-based Asians, has filed a massive
4-billion dollar class action suit against Miley Cyrus. (ANI)
