Lucas to remake ‘Star Wars’ as animated series

Lucas to remake ‘Star Wars’ as animated seriesThe creator of hot movie ‘Star Wars’, George Lucas, has decided that he is going to develop the animated series of ‘Star Wars’.

Lucasfilm Animation is going to be the company which will deal with everything. He made this announcement on Monday and said that the animated series would be a comic one.

It would involve the creative brains of Seth Green and Matthew Senreich. They have already been behind the hits like ‘Robot Chicken’ and ‘Chicken.’

Lucas said that Green and Senreich will make the irrelevant-looking characters of the movie of yesteryears fit into the sci-fi mode of today’s time.  Brendan Hay of "The Daily Show’ will handle the writing aspect.

Green and Senreich said that after doing so many projects, they have finally managed to get to do the real thing. Since the whole storyline is so big and the characters are so diverse in their characteristics, it would give a lot of scope for experimentation.

The two announced that they would present something which would be totally different from the original series.

While no announcement has been made till now about the network which will be involved, it is expected that Cartoon Network will get the rights.