“Livid’ British war hero lives in car while Afghan family given 1.2 mln pound mansion
London, Oct 24 : A British war hero who fought in Afghanistan is living in his car, while a migrant family of Afghans has been handed over a 1.2million pounds mansion.
According to the Sun, Corporal Marcus Kilpatrick, 31, who spends his nights in a sleeping bag in the back of a 12-year-old Land Rover, was told no council housing was available for him.
Marcus, who had served in Afghanistan and Northern Ireland, said: "I feel completely let down and unloved by my own country."
Unemployed Marcus, originally from Norwich, sought help a week ago from Ealing Council in West London.
"I kept getting pushed from one person to another, or got told to come back the next day or the next, the paper quoted him, as saying.
"Eventually they just gave me a list of B&Bs, but each stipulated they wouldn''t take anyone receiving benefits,” he added.
Ironically, the report added, in the same neighbourhood a family of eight Afghan migrants were living in extreme comfort in a seven-bedroom 170,000 pounds-a-year ansion, which is paid by the taxpayers.
Marcus, who served in the Army for 12 years and spent six months in Afghanistan with the 8 Close Support Company Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, said, "They told me it''s up to me to find my own accommodation and then return to their offices. But no one seemed capable of explaining to me how the system works. How can they justify giving a family of Afghan migrants a mansion and then say they cannot help me? It''s not like I''m demanding a penthouse."
He quit the Army in March 2007 and worked as a lecturer in motor mechanics at Kings College, London. However, he lost his job and split from his girlfriend as well. (ANI)