Japan extends airlifting, refueling assistance in Iraq, Afghanistan

Tokyo - The Japanese government decided on Friday to extend the nation's Self-Defence Froces' airlift missions in Iraq and refueling operations in the Indian Ocean.

Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's Cabinet decided to continue Japan's Air Self-Defence Force's airlifting of troops and supplies for the United Nations between Iraq and Kuwait until July 2009.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said the government saw "much need for the UN multinational forces to engage in activities" in Iraq, though "the situation is improving gradually."

The nation's Maritime Self-Defence Force would also continue its refueling mission to assist international allies in the US-led war against terrorism in and around Afghanistan through January 2009.

But Japan might have to withdraw its troops from Iraq after a UN Security Council resolution - which authorizes the current deployment of multinational forces in Iraq - expires at the end of this year, Machimura said.

Meanwhile, Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Japan would have to act accordingly after the US presidential election in November. (dpa)

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