Israeli journalist injured in Georgia transferred to Israel

Tel Aviv - An Israeli correspondent who was severely injured in Tuesday's Russian bombardment in the Georgian city of Gori was flown to Israel, his newspaper said Wednesday.

Journalist Zadok Yehezkeli, of Israel's biggest-selling Yediot Ahronot daily, was hit by shrapnel in the shoulder and chest in the same incident in Gori's main town square in which Dutch cameraman Stan Storiman was killed.

Another Dutch and a Greek journalist as well as three local civilians had also been injured, Yediot said. The daily said a single mortar shell had hit a crowd of journalists and civilians at the square had gathered around noon on the site of a minor car accident that had happened previously.

Yehezkeli landed in Tel Aviv Wednesday morning and was transferred by ambulance to Jerusalem's Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in stable but still serious condition, his paper said. (dpa)
