IQ Level Can Determine Risk Of Vascular Dementia

IQ Level Can Determine Risk Of Vascular DementiaRecent study showed that level of intelligence quotient (IQ) can determine the risk of developing vascular dementia. Children with higher IQ level have lower risk of vascular dementia. However no such connection was found between Alzheimer and IQ level.

Vascular dementia is a step-wise deterioration in intellectual powers that becomes apparent as different areas of the brain are damaged by a loss of blood supply. Risk factors are high blood pressure and smoking. It is commonly associated with stroke.

Scottish researchers analyzed the data collected from 173 subjects with dementia and two sets of unaffected subjects.

Analysis of data showed that vascular dementia cases had lower childhood IQs compared with unaffected subjects. Childhood IQ have no effect on the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Research team said: “Lower (childhood) cognitive ability is a risk factor for vascular dementia, but not Alzheimer’s disease. This emphasises that prevention strategies could be implemented from childhood onwards.”
