Integrated Police Information System Developed By Wipro

Integrated Police Information System Developed By WiproOn Friday, an announcement was made by Wipro Infotech that the company has designed an integrated Police information system that would cover all vital activities related to the day-to-day functioning of the police departments including the back-end administrative processes of general administration, finance and stores.

The main aim behind initiating these processes is to help the administration to complete their tasks and record keeping. Thus, it will introduce operational efficiency throughout the police department. As of now, this application is just in its pilot stage.

It should be noted that there would be various operational modules that will help in maintaining the records within the police stations and other police bodies which are involved in several areas such as crime, law and order, wireless, traffic, intelligence and counter intelligence, etc. Furthermore, in order to retrieve important data, each module has a search function.

The other states can acquire the details related to the crime and criminal via a standard based information exchange gateway.

Moreover, the required information from the other states would also be retrieved by the information exchange, thus enabling a seamless sharing of crime and criminal information across the country.

Wipro Infotech general manager (government and defence) Ranbir Singh reported, “To combat high crime rates more effectively, Wipro sees a huge role for information technology. This is a path breaking application and will bring in a lot of efficiency and agility in the functioning between various units of the police department through real time information sharing, thereby resulting in better service to the citizens.”

To add more, there is a citizen interface in the application via which complaints can be raised and the status of an already lodged FIR can be tracked and the content can be displayed by the user interface in English and regional languages.
