Indians by nature are more outward bound: Sugata Bose

New Delhi, Dec.21: “India’s engagement with the world is very old,” stated Dr. Sugata Bose, Gardiner Professor of History, Harvard University while interacting with a cross section of the society at a session organised by The Aspen Institute and the CII.

Dr. Bose emphasized that Indians are basically a very “outward looking people”; even the Independence movement which took place in the country was essentially an outward looking movement.  But the country undertook an inward looking policy post independence.

Dr Bose said that the primary relationships of the Indians with the world remain non political and India, according to this renowned academician is now playing an increasingly “global role” with the Indian entrepreneurs investing more in the world market and a declining rate of “brain drain”.

Speaking about West Bengal, Dr Bose said that Bengal has a good opportunity to become a hub but it would require to adopt an outward looking policy, become more organised so that it might not miss the bus.

The Gardiner Professor of History stated that the biggest failure post independence had been in the areas of health and education. He stressed on balancing the increasingly respected brand of India with the inherent culture and heritage and moving on the growth track by alleviating poverty and collaborating with the other Asian nations.

Professor Bikash Sinha, Director, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, said that the Indian scientists’ contribution to science is noteworthy and agreed with Dr Bose that the Indian history gives ample evidence to the fact that the country was globalised and outward looking during her hey days.

Carrying forward our global engagement, Professor Sinha stated that India should ideally work closely with the USA in the fields of fundamental research and life sciences. He said that the fruition of the Indo – US nuclear deal will open the windows of the country to engage with the world.

The other panelist for the session, Rajive Kaul, Chairman, National Committee on Trade Policy, CII said that India is slowly closing on to the dream of becoming one of the front running economies of the world.

Pradeep Gooptu, Resident Editor, Business Standard, also reiterated that Indians are “increasingly engaging themselves with the world.” (ANI)
