Indian police arrest 21 Tibetans for anti-China protests

Indian police arrest 21 Tibetans for anti-China protestsNew Delhi  - Twenty-one Tibetan activists were arrested Thursday when they attempted to scale the wall of the Chinese embassy in New Delhi on the day China celebrated the 60th anniversary of Communist party rule.

The protest, organized by the Tibetan Youth Congress, was called to protest Chinese rule in Tibet. The activists waived Tibetan flags outside the mission and shouted anti-China slogans.

"China makes progress by committing atrocities on an innocent people," one demonstrator said. "Millions of Tibetans are suffering in Tibet under the Chinese."

A similar protest on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was held in Kathmandu and broken up by Nepalese police, who detained more than three dozen Tibetan exiles.

The protestors were detained after they tried to march toward the Chinese embassy's consular section in the central part of Nepal's capital.

"We want justice in Tibet," the demonstrators shouted. "Down with Chinese rule."

The Tibetan communities in India and Nepal have planned a series of protests through 2009 and 2010 to commemorate 50 years since a failed uprising against Chinese rule in Tibet.

The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, and many of his followers fled to India's northern hill town of Dharamsala after China cracked down on the uprising in Lhasa on March 10, 1959.

At least 110,000 Tibetans live in Dharamsala and 35 settlements in India. Six million Tibetans live in the Tibetan Autonomous Region and adjoining areas of China. (dpa)