India Bans Chinese Dairy Products For 3 Months

The Indian government has decided to ban the dairy products from china following India Bans Chinese Dairy Products For 3 Monthssome precautionary measures. It is reported that the diary products from China are contaminated and not fit for health. 

Many people are falling sick and children are dying by consuming these products. Some countries such as Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Kenya have already banned the import of Chinese dairy product.

The directorate general of foreign trade (DGFT) has issued a notice to ban dairy products for three months. The instructions in this regard are given by the Indian food safety and standards authority (FSSA) following reports of contamination of dairy products from China. 

The officials of agriculture, commerce & industry and health & family welfare ministry have also consented to ban the import from china. 

It is to be noted that dairy products are contaminated with Melamine. It is a chemical used in plastic and fertilizer industry. Melamine is very dangerous for health. It can lead to kidney failure and kidney stones. 

The European Union (EU) has also sent strong signals to the concerned departments to check the composition of bread and chocolate coming from China.  
