IB, RAW engaged in blame game on Nepal issue: Ex-RAW official

Research & Analysis WingNew Delhi, Feb 15 : The Intelligence Bureau and the Research & Analysis Wing (RAW) are engaged in a blame-game, when it comes to issues in areas bordering Nepal, said a former senior RAW official.

"Actually this side of the border, the RAW has nothing to do with all that. It is the IB, which is handling everything," S Chandrashekharan told BBC Nepali Service.

Chandrashekharan, who was with the Indian embassy in Kathmandu in the late 1970s until early 1980s, accepted that the two intelligence agencies do engage in passing bucks.

"I am sure RAW will say it is not our job. If you ask the IB, they will say RAW is responsible for the other side of the border," he said, adding that such overlapping had been happening for many years.

Chandrashekharan said that Indian government would not be willing to arrest and hand over insurgent leaders leading their movement in Terai from Indian soil.

"Those Madhesi leaders are gaining sympathies increasingly in the Indian side. I don't think anyone would arrest, say, Jwala Singh, because you will have to see the situation in India too," he added.

A Chinese scholar expressed concern over RAW activities in Nepal's Terai in the BBC’s programme.

"We already know about terai situation. There may be some elements trying to take advantage of weak government. There was an article in one of the mass media alleging role of RAW. If that is true, it will worry us," said Hu Shisheng, who heads the South Asia Study Centre under the China Institute for Contemporary Relations. (ANI)

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