I had got a Sherwani made for around 19,000 rupees – Amar Upadhyay

Amar Upadhyay Q. How would you define fashion? A. Basically what you wear and are comfortable in and also at the same time move with the trend that’s what fashion is all about.

Q. Where do you normally shop your clothes from? A. Anywhere, I don’t normally shop for myself; my wife does that for me, so I don’t have the pain of shopping at all. I am very fussy, I can’t choose one thing and I end up shopping everything, so my wife picks up the right stuff for me.

Q. Which brands do you prefer to buy? A. In jeans normally Diesel, Spykar and sometimes Provogue tee shirts and for suit its Armani.

Q. Do you often visit fashion shows? A. Oh no, I don’t have time for all that. I am doing television, films and I am into a production house also, so I don’t have time. I hardly party with my friends when I get time.

Q. Who is your favorite fashion designer? A. I don’t have any favorite fashion designer as such.

Q. Which is the costliest outfit you have bought till date? A. It is my Armani suit which I bought from U. K. It cost me about 21000 Indian rupees and also my marriage outfit was also costly. I had got a Sherwani made for around
19,000 rupees.

Q. Which is your favorite party wear? A. If it’s a formal party then it’s a suit and if it’s a semi formal party then I go for stripped shirt with tie and with a formal pants or otherwise if it’s a casual party then I would prefer to wear something black, like black faded jeans and a tight tee shirt.

Q. What do you generally dress up while relaxing at your home? A. I am in my shorts and a lose tee shirt.

Q. Any particular colors you opt for while buying your clothes? A. Yeah! I love black, whites and yellow and if its tee shirts then it have to be bright in colour.

Q. Any fashion tip you would like to give to our readers? A. Nothing just be comfortable and just be confident with whatever you dress up in.– Sampurn Media
