HP’s China commitment apparent at Beijing product launch event

HP’s China commitment apparent at Beijing product launch event Hewlett-Packard's China commitment towards increasing market share in China is evident from the world's largest PC maker's Wednesday roll out of a new line of low-priced computers, including the worldwide launch of its most recent netbook
- the Mini 110.

At Beijing's product launch event, HP Asia executives added up the company's apparent China-specific projects, which varied rather widely from customized netbooks, providing a push to rural sales, and working towards strong sales along the country's affluent coast.

According to Isaiah Cheung, HP's Vice President of personal systems in China, while the popularity of netbooks is on the rise in China's coastal cities, the smaller cities are also generating notable PC demand which will probably extend to more rural areas in coming years.

Presently, HP has business running in 700 Chinese cities - a momentous rise from the fewer than 30 cities seven years back! As per Cheung, one specific product - the all-in-one Pavilion MS200 desktop PC - that HP announced at the Beijing event will hit the Chinese markets before going on sale in other markets.

Reiterating the importance of Chinese market in HP's scheme of things, See Chin Teik - Senior Vice President for HP's personal systems group in Asia - said: "China is increasingly a big part of our market. We want to focus on our strategy to get more market share."