Having high Alcohol intake Key to Longevity of a Pennsylvanian Woman!

A Pennsylvania woman who recently celebrated her milestone 100th birthday gave an interesting advice to those who want to live longer life as her.

Pauline Spagnola, from Pennsylvania, who celebrated her milestone 100th birthday, was asked the secret to her longevity by a reporter from news network WNEP.

Spagnola gave an interesting advice for those who want to mimic her longevity. She said drinking lot of alcoholic drinks is the reason behind her long life.

WNEP reported that she laughed as the reporter tried to get her to repeat her answer, and then the tiara-clad centenarian continued her celebration with cake.

Pauline Spagnola of Plains Township enjoyed her centennial celebration at the Golden Living East Mountain Center on Tuesday with friends, cake and balloons.

Pauline is not the first person who has given booze the credit for their long life. Earlier a 101-year-old woman in Staten Island attributed her knocking back two glasses of wine, a Southern Comfort and a beer each day as the reason for her long life, according to WPXI.

Mark Behrends, a 110-year-old former farmer from Nebraska, said last month that his secret is having a beer each day at 3pm.