Google bestows cycling for its maps

GoogleAs the company reports suggest, the most requested feature- Cycling, has been launched in Google Maps. This feature was in queue since the Google maps' inception.

With this confirmation the US cities which have Google for directions, shall also feature "bicycling" as an option, along with car, walk and public transport as the other preferences.

This comes in as a pleasurable acceptance for the League of American Bicyclists. In a statement issued regarding the new feature from Search engine giant, they said, "The new feature includes: step-by-step bicycling directions; bike trails outlined directly on the map; and a new Bicycling layer that indicates bike trails, bike lanes, and bike-friendly roads".

At the same time the site cautions that the feature is still in its beta phase and advises users to be alert and the site wants feedbacks for any routes which are unsuitable.

The service is in the pipeline to be released in UK and Europe as well.