Genuine regret?

In commenting on the ghastly attack on the Sri Lankan cricketers, the media in Pakistan has followed two broad trends. Either there are disgust and remorse at the whole thing, especially because friendly foreigners are involved or there is finger-pointing at India for being behind the dastardly incident. "Is this the way we treat our esteemed guests," is the general theme of an editorial in Dawn, the country's leading English newspaper. A noble thought, but one that does not ring true.

Why this should be so becomes immediately apparent by what many others — media commentators, former intelligence bosses, strategic issue experts — have to say. They claim the "foreign hand", that is the Research and Analysis Wing was clearly behind it. The evidence for this preposterous claim? The similarity with 26/11, which, as they all seem to be sure was managed by the Indians. The motive for India to attack Sri Lankan cricketers? To take revenge and to tell the world that Pakistan is an unsafe place. It would be hilarious if it were not tragic. How an India managed to plant 12 gunmen in the heart of Lahore who all disappeared within minutes of firing in full view of the public is a question that has not been answered. And does it really need to stage such an elaborate exercise to show the world that Pakistan is now the epicentre of the world's terror when the global community realised that a long time ago?

Denial is clearly at the heart of these kinds of outrageous fantasies. The Pavlovian reaction of blaming their old enemy comes from a long history of refusing to acknowledge that it is apparent to everyone that Pakistan is home to all kinds of terror groups who now appear to be turning on their masters. Closing your eyes to this reality will not save you from that fate.

Therefore, there is a tinge of hypocrisy to the tears being shed. The Sri Lankans know a thing or two about terror; one of the cricketers was quoted as saying this familiarity is what probably saved them in the end. Expressing remorse is not going to impress them. If the Pakistanis were genuinely sorry, they would say so to all other victims of their terror groups. In the end, resolutely facing up to harsh realities is the only thing that will help the benighted country to deal with its demons. That process must start now before more such attacks happen.

DNA-Daily News & Analysis Source: 3D Syndication
