
Survey reveals that almost half of Brit kids want adult supervision on internet

Survey reveals that almost half of Brit kids want adult supervision on internetIt would be really nice to know that British kids are taking their Internet safety seriously as a latest survey has suggested that they want adults to supervise them every time they are surfing the web.

Out of the total children who were surveyed, near about 45% agreed that adults should sit next to them or at least be near so that they could see what is being surfed over the web.

Other than this, two out of three suggested that pornographic sites and chat rooms on the web should be blocked or filtered.

NASA spacecraft reveals hidden territory on Mercury

NASA Messenger spacecraftWashington, Oct 30: The NASA Messenger spacecraft, which is gliding over the surface of Mercury for the second time this year, has revealed previously unseen territory on the planet.

After completing a critical gravity assist to keep it on course to orbit Mercury in 2011, Messenger unveiled 30 percent of Mercury’s surface never before seen by a spacecraft.

Land-speed record holders focus on1,000 mph barrier

Land-speed record holders focus on1,000 mph barrierThe current land speed record of 763 mph was set up by Richard Noble and Andy Green, who are now geared up to create a car, which they claim to break through the 1,000-mph barrier. If they are able to achieve the target, then this car would be more like a land rocket.

This car will also be equipped with piston, jet and rocket engines, and is expected to be more then 42 feet long. In just 40 seconds, this car is expected to make the run from 0 to 1,050 mph.

Republicans blame “media bias” for their predicament

Republicans blame “media bias” for their predicamentWashington, Oct 30 : Virtually realizing their defeat in the Nov 4 presidential poll, the Republican Party has trained its guns on the media alleging “bias” against the party.

Faced with dim prospects in Congress and an uphill climb to the White House on Election Day, Republicans are increasingly taking out their frustrations on the media, accusing them of tipping the scale in favor of Democrats, reported foxnews. com.

Dungeon dad kept own mum locked in sealed room till she died

Josef FritzlLondon, Oct 30 : Austrian incest fiend Josef Fritzl has confessed that he locked up his own mother in a bricked-up room till the time she died in revenge for allegedly abusing him.

The room was in the same house where Josef later incarcerated his daughter and grandchildren.

He made the astonishing revelations to a psychologist preparing a report for his trial for imprisoning and sexually abusing his daughter Elisabeth.

His mother could have been locked away for more than 20 years in the house in Amstetten, according to an Austrian tabloid.

Men prefer brunettes to blondes when it comes to marriage

London, Oct 30 : Blondes might make men’s hearts flutter, but when it comes to marrying, blokes would rather prefer a brunette, a new research has shown.

According to the study, men think blondes are preferable as girlfriends, while brunettes are best for settling down with.

In all, 52 per cent of men said they would rather marry a dark-haired woman because they are more dependable and sensible - whereas only 18 per cent think blondes would make good wives.

In the poll of 3,000 men, 36 per cent said blondes were the sexiest women, while 31 per cent thought brunettes were sexier.

A mere 18 per cent of the men thought a blonde would make a good wife, reports the Daily Express.
