Entertainment News

Goody’s sons send ‘miss you’ messages to mum in bottle

Goody’s sons send ‘miss you’ messages to mum in bottleLondon, April 5 : Jade Goody's beloved sons have paid tribute to their late mum in their own special way, by tucking in `miss you' messages in a bottle and launching it into the ocean from Australia.

The Brit reality TV star's five-year-old Bobby and four-year-old Freddie, on vacation with dad Jeff Brazier, marked their mum's funeral on April 4 by writing messages and drawing her pictures.

The lads were said to have had a private ceremony of their own with their father on the beach at a private resort near Sydney.

Lindsay ‘banned’ from entering Samantha’s sister’s bash

Lindsay ‘banned’ from entering Samantha’s sister’s bashMelbourne, April 5 : Lindsay Lohan was reportedly banned from entering a bash hosted by her lesbian lover's sister.

The `Mean Girls' actress had allegedly arrived at Bar Marmont where her DJ girlfriend Samantha Ronson was playing the tunes.

According to Eonline!, the star was "held back at the door by five bouncers," after Samantha's sister issued orders to "look out for Lindsay" and "not to let her in under any circumstances," reports the Couriermail.

Whitney Houston ‘secretly paid $400k ransom to hubby kidnapping thugs’

Whitney Houston ‘secretly paid $400k ransom to hubby kidnapping thugs’London, April 5: Whitney Houston secretly paid 400,000 dollars to drug gangsters to save her kidnapped ex-husband's life, claims a new book.

According to writer David Collins, her former husband Bobby Brown was `knocked out with one punch' and taken hostage at gunpoint by New York street gang called the Preacher Crew in April 1993.

"When he awoke, Bobby was naked and hog-tied, his mouth stuffed with a rag," the Daily Express quoted Collins as saying in his autobiography, Preacher of the Streets.

Winehouse eyes £3m villa in Caribbean

Winehouse eyes £3m villa in CaribbeanLondon, Apr 5 : Amy Winehouse is planning to buy a gorgeous Caribbean hideaway within weeks.

The 23-year-old Back to Black singer is apparently in love with a 3-million pound villa on sunny St Lucia - her new adopted home.

Winehouse, who spent three months on holiday, trying to kick her drug habit, now wants a permanent base there.

Last week, she flew out to St Lucia and told pals she is in the process of buying a luxury seaside retreat.

Mercy James'' ''dad'' doesn''t want Madonna to be her mum

Mercy James'' ''dad'' doesn''t want Madonna to be her mumLondon, Apr 5 : Madonna''s plans of adopting Mercy James dealt another blow after the Malawian child''s "father" came forward and insisted that he was looking forward to being part of her life.

James Kambewa, 24, who fled in disgrace after Mercy''s mother Mwandida, who was a 15-year-old schoolgirl at the time, fell pregnant, told The Mirror: "She is my daughter and I want her to live with me."

Cruise, Travolta to team-up for ‘Butch Cassidy’ remake

Cruise, Travolta to team-up for ‘Butch Cassidy’ remakeLondon, April 5 : Tom Cruise is planning a remake of the classic 1969 `Western Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid', starring himself and close pal John Travolta.

An associate has revealed that Cruise got the blessing of Paul Newman just months before the actor died of lung cancer last September.

Cruise, 46, wants to cast himself as Sundance, played by Robert Redford in the original, while Travolta, 55, will follow in Newman's footsteps as Cassidy.
