Former Harvard classmate selected by Obama to head FCC
On Monday, one of the Democratic source informed that Julius Genachowski, a technology executive and former classmate from Harvard Law School, has been chosen by Barack Obama, the new President of U. S. to lead the Federal Communications Commission.
The profile of Genachowski is quite impressive as the man served as chief counsel for former FCC Chairman Reed Hundt, the chairman under former President Bill Clinton, and held various positions at IAC/InterActiveCorp (IACI. O), as well as other technology posts.
Obama had been in touch with Genachowski and he was considered the front-runner for the job.
It should be noted here that U. S. telecommunications regulation and policy is overseen by the FCC and regulation of telephone and cable companies; oversight of concentration of ownership of radio, television outlets, and auctioning public airwaves are all included in its reach.
The biggest challenge which is being faced by FCC as of now is to ensure a congressional mandated conversion to digital television on 17th February goes smoothly, a switch affecting some 20 million consumers who don't already use the technology.
Basically, the owners of older television sets would be required to buy a converter box, replace their TV with a digital TV, or subscribe to satellite or digital cable service, since they are receiving over-the-air signals as of now.