Fisher Builds Largest Rubik’s Cube

Veteran puzzle and game maker Tony Fisher has constructed possibly the biggest Rubik’s Cube in the world. Each side of this Rubik’s Cube measures approximately five feet, with its weight somewhere around 220 pounds. It probably struck to the game maker that solving Rubik’s Cube of a normal size is quite simple, so he went ahead that took it to a level ahead.

This enormous version of Rubik’s Cube has been has been built by Fisher himself and he commenced this project in January 2016. It took him just several weeks to create this giant puzzle, a video of which has been posted by him online.

It seems like a tough job to bring the game outside to play, while solving it would also be an equally tough task. Fisher is known to develop custom rotational puzzles and this time around his project is kind of unusual, Fisher wants to set a new world record for the construction of the biggest Rubik’s Cube that is actually functional. He was planning on a bigger version but due to some limitations had to restrict the size. He wanted the cube to be movable from inside of his home and vice-versa, limiting its size since it will have to move across the doors.

Meanwhile, the largest sticker rolls he could find for the sides were of 17.7 inches and size the puzzle is meant to be solved by only one person, it had to be pulled down to that size. However, the cube created by Fisher is large enough that for pushing the colored squares at their correct place, one will have to actually walk around.

Compared to a normal Rubik’s Cube, this one’s overall volume is around 20,000 times more. He also revealed that the size of the cube makes it quite cumbersome to cheat while solving it because removing and replacing the stickers on each cube is in itself quite a tedious task.