First satellite equipped with Chinese technology launched by Venezuela

First satellite equipped with Chinese technology launched by Venezuela The first satellite of Venezuela, which was build with Chinese technology and launched from China, recently blasted into orbit, marking Venezuela’s entry into space age. 

This satellite has been named after Simon Bolivar, the hero of South American Independence. Hugo Chavez, The President of Venezuela said, “The communications satellite Venesat-1 is a construction of socialism and a symbol of Latin American integration.” 

The launch was observed from the eastern town of Luepa by Chavez along with fellow leftist Bolivian President Evo Morales. Following the launch, Chavez admired this operation as a perfect example of socialist virtues. 

Chavez further added, “A capitalist business launches a satellite to make money. This is an act of freedom and independence. This satellite is not for us but for the people of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is a further step towards independence. The project would break the mould of technological illiteracy.”

Science and Technology Minister Nuris Orihuela explained, “During its 15-year lifespan the Simon Bolivar satellite will cover Venezuela's brother countries to streamline telecommunications and develop social programs such as literacy or telemedicine.”

Venezuela had to invest a whopping 241 million dollars to construct this satellite, which commenced back in 2002. Other than this, another 165 million dollars also had to be spent in order to construct two communication headquarters. The Earth would be orbited at 36,000 kilometres (22,300 miles) by the Simon Bolivar. 

The 5.1 tonne satellite would be fully functional by January 2009. The signal would be extended from southern Mexico to southern Argentina and Chile. 

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