Finnish nuclear watchdog approves welding work at nuclear plant

Finnish nuclear watchdog approves welding work at nuclear plant Helsinki - Claims of poor quality welding work at a Finnish nuclear reactor under construction were rejected Wednesday by the Finnish nuclear watchdog.

The Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) said allegations of "faulty" checks of the welding work being built at Olkiluoto, south-western Finland were "false."

A week ago, environmental group Greenpeace cited "confidential documents" for its call to halt work on the reactor.

STUK said it had monitored welding "of importance for security" and had not found reason to question how the work was planned or conducted, noting that it had approved the welding procedures used.

The Ministry of Employment and the Economy commissioned the report from STUK after the claims of poor work, which also were reported in a television documentary.

The reactor at Olkiluoto is being built by France's Areva. Construction began in 2005 but has suffered from several delays and is behind schedule.

Finland currently operates four reactors, of which two are located at Olkliuoto, and two at Loviisa east of the capital Helsinki.

Energy group Fortum and power company Teollisuuden Voima (TVO) were among the companies that have started to investigate the feasibility of building a sixth reactor. (dpa)

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