FII remain net investors in India in August
The foreign investors continued with their bullish stand and were net investors during the month of August. This is for the third time that this trend has continued and a total investment of rupees 11,685 crore was done during this time.
As per the data given by SEBI, FII bought shares worth rupees 62,187.50 crore. In this, the equities were worth rupees 50,500.40 crore.
If the August data is calculated then the total investment of rupees 60,447 crore has been done by FIIs in India till now. And looking at the current trend, it is expected that more of the same will continue since India is one of the fastest growing economies in emerging countries.
Both for the medium as well as long-term, the trend is going to continue, believe experts.
It must be noted that the benchmark, BSE has seen a rise of 0.6 per cent in August and both the domestic and international institutions are involved in it.
For June and July, the FIIs made a total investment of rupees 27,125 crore. They had pumped in a record rupees 83,400 crore in 2009.