Female rabbi reverses candidacy for Stockholm post

Stockholm - Sweden has yet to get its first full-time female rabbi after a selected candidate withdrew her name for the post for personal reasons, reports said Thursday.

Rabbi Chava Koster of the Village Temple in New York, a Reform congregation, was in June unanimously selected as non-Orthodox rabbi by the Jewish Community of Stockholm.

The community has some 4,500 members, and is the largest in the country. An estimated 18,000 to 20,000 Jews live in Sweden.

Koster, 46, had agreed on salary and other employment terms when she withdrew her name, citing "personal reasons," the Dagen newspaper reported.

A group in charge of rabbi recruitment issued a statement saying they "regretted" the move, but respected Koster's decision and hoped she would accept an offer to visit Stockholm in future.

The search for a new rabbi was due to resume. The Stockholm community said it catered for "the religious needs of all denominations," including the Great Synagogue where the new rabbi was to serve. (dpa)
